
Research Innovation Award

Lise Getoor

Service Award

Faisal Farooq

Rising Star Award

Jundong Li

Test of Time Award – Research

DeepWalk: online learning of social representations

Brian Perozzi, Rami Al-Rfou, Steven Skiena

Test of Time Award – Applied Data Science

U-Air: when urban air quality inference meets big data

Yu Zheng, Furui Liu, Hsun-Ping Hsieh

Dissertation Award

Efficient and Effective Learning of Text Representations (Yu Meng)

Dissertation Award – Runner Up

Make Knowledge Computable: Towards Differentiable Neural-Symbolic AI (Ziniu Hu)

Artificial Intelligence for Data-centric Surveillance and Forecasting of Epidemics (Alexander Rodriguez)

Best Paper Award – Research

CAT: Interpretable Concept-based Taylor Additive Models

Viet Duong, Qiong Wu, Zhengyi Zhou, Hongjue Zhao, Chenxiang Luo, Eric Zavesky, Huaxiu Yao, Huajie Shao

Best Student Paper Award – Research

Dataset Regeneration for Sequential Recommendation

Mingjia Yin, Hao Wang, Wei Guo, Yong Liu, Suojuan Zhang, Sirui Zhao, Defu Lian, Enhong Chen

Best Paper Award – Applied Data Science

LiGNN: Graph Neural Networks at LinkedIn

Fedor Borisyuk, Shihai He, Yunbo Ouyang, Morteza Ramezani, Peng Du, Xiaochen Hou, Chengming Jiang, Nitin Pasumarthy, Priya Bannur, Birjodh Tiwana, Ping Liu, Siddharth Dangi, Daqi Sun, Zhoutao Pei, Xiao Shi, Sirou Zhu, Kay Shen, Kuang-Hsuan Lee, David Stein, Baolei Li, Haichao Wei, Amol Ghoting, Souvik Ghosh

Runner Up for the Best Paper – Applied Data Science

Nested Fusion: A Method for Learning High Resolution Latent Structure of Multi-Scale Measurement Data on Mars

Austin Wright, Duen Chau, Scott Davidoff

Audience Appreciation Awards

First Place

EEG2Rep: Enhancing Self-supervised EEG Representation Through Informative Masked Inputs

Navid Mohammadi Foumani, Geoffrey Mackellar, Soheila Ghane, Saad Irtza, Nam Nguyen, Mahsa Salehi

Second Place

Explainable and Interpretable Forecasts on Non-Smooth Multivariate Time Series for Responsible Gameplay

Hussain Jagirdar, Rukma Talwadker, Aditya Pareek, Pulkit Agrawal, Tridib Mukherjee

Third Place

Expander Hierarchies for Normalized Cuts on Graphs

Kathrin Hanauer, Monika Henzinger, Robin Münk, Harald Räcke, Maximilian Vötsch