Promotional Video
General Instructions & Info for Your Recorded Promotional Video (due by July 3rd):
Please come up with a 2-minute-long promotional video of your paper, in the spirit of KDD’s tradition that we started in 2016. This 2-minute video is mandatory. Note that your video should *not* include a read-out of your presentation slides or the content of your paper. Rather, the video should highlight the essence of your work, and serve as a starting point for a discussion. Please be creative! These videos will be uploaded to the KDD-2024 YouTube channel – and they will stay there to showcase your research for years to come!
The deadline for uploading promotional videos is July 3, 2024!
Between July 3 and August 3, we will be holding the Audience Appreciation Competition: we will encourage everyone to view the uploaded videos and we’ll monitor their view counts. Feel free to ask your family and friends to help you out! The 10 videos with the highest view counts will be assessed by our esteemed panel of judges. The winning video will be featured at the KDD-2024 Opening Ceremony and the authors will receive the Audience Appreciation Award. Stay tuned for the details, but yes the award will be monetary!
If there are any questions regarding the promotional video, please contact our publicity chairs via
Instructions for Video Upload:
- Short Description: You must provide a very short description of your promotional video which is limited to 1024 characters (including spaces). It should be an actual description of the video (something original), not the abstract of your submission. If your description text exceeds 1,024 characters, the description will be removed and “Promotional Video” will be used instead.
- DOI: You will need your DOI as assigned to you during the ACM rightsreview process to upload this video (for example: 10.1145/XXXXXX.XXXXXX). Do not use the ““. The point of contact/corresponding authors should check the confirmation email from ACM rightsreview for when you completed the ACM rightsreview form.
- Naming Convention: The naming scheme of your promotional video is important: <ID#>-video.mp4, .avi, etc… Videos not following this naming scheme will be removed. ACM also requests that you do not use spaces, symbols or special characters in the video file naming scheme. Note that your paper ID is in the form of rtfp0123 for Research Track papers and is in the form of adfp0123 for Applied Data Science Track papers.
When you are ready, and before July 3rd, 2024 (EOD, any timezone), upload your video here.
NOTE: Authors cannot upload their videos to their own, corporate, or institution’s YouTube Channels.
NOTE: The above ACM video submission site does NOT provide a confirmation message. Please be patient and be sure you have a good connection when uploading your promotional video.